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Synergy NaturalPower - Commercial Green Energy

If you’re looking for new ways to make your business operations more sustainable, NaturalPower could be a simple way to help reduce your carbon emissions. 

See how much you could offset your CO2 emissions

The greater you NaturalPower™, the greater difference you will make.

NaturalPower contribution
generation sources*

The differences

tonnes of CO2 saved
cars removed from the road

The benefits

GreenPower Accredited

Through your purchase of NaturalPower, your business can now use GreenPower’s logo to showcase your environmental commitment to your customers.

NABERS, RE100, BCORP and SBTi Recognition

GreenPower accreditation will give your business recognition among national and global climate change bodies - heightening exposure of your commitment to reducing Scope 2 emissions.

National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGERS)

Disclose your GreenPower purchase as part of your NGERS reporting, to showcase your business is investing in the renewable energy sector.

Environmental Certifications

Your NaturalPower investment will allow you to potentially access environmental certifications such as Windmade and GreenBizChec.

GreenPower website / social media promotion

Your business may be featured on the GreenPower website, Facebook and LinkedIn page, recognising the investment your business has taken to reduce your CO2 emissions.

How does it impact your bill

Traditional generation sources: Traditional generation consists of both renewable and non-renewable sources such as coal, wind, solar, hydro and gas.
Tonnes of CO2 saved: This is the amount of CO2 you could offset based on your NaturalPower contribution (25%, 50%, 75%, 100%). An estimate only based on National Greenhouse Account Factors as published by the Australian Government, Aug 2021 National Greenhouse Accounts Factors - August 2021 (
Cars removed from the road: The average CO2  equivalent emissions for a medium sized sedan sold in Australia is 180 grams/km, based on 15,000km p.a. resulting in 2.7 tonnes of CO2 -e p.a. (Source: Australian Government Green Vehicle Guide – Understanding Emissions: Vehicle emissions | Green Vehicle Guide)
Estimated cost: NaturalPower incurs a premium of 5.7122 (incl. GST) cents per kWh. Pricing as at 1 July 2024. Pricing subject to change.

We offer NaturalPower as a commercial "green" energy product, available to your business and even at home. With NaturalPower you can offset a percentage of your electricity consumption with a renewable energy solution.

What is NaturalPower?

We offer NaturalPower as part of our accreditation under Australia’s GreenPower program.

When you choose NaturalPower through Synergy, you pay slightly more than your usual tariff and we buy large-scale generation certificates (or LGCs) on your behalf.

These LGCs are from nationally-accredited GreenPower renewable energy sources which meet strict environmental criteria. The electricity is generated by accredited renewable sources and fed back into the existing electricity network - so your contribution helps to increase the amount of electricity from renewable sources running through the grid.

What our customers are saying

Renewable energy for business: How NaturalPower works

You choose NaturalPower from Synergy

NaturalPower is a product that offsets consumption using accredited generation from the national GreenPower program. It's a voluntary government accreditation program which guarantees your electricity use is offset with electricity which comes from renewable sources. You can choose how much of your electricity you want to offset - and we will buy the equivalent amount in LGCs. You can choose increments of 25% up to 100% of your electricity consumption.

We buy LGCs on your behalf

When you choose NaturalPower, we purchase LGCs on your behalf. Every time a unit of NaturalPower is sold, those LGCs are retired. Your contribution counts and there’s no double-counting or duplication. Each year, we are independently audited to confirm our LGCs are credible.

NaturalPower electricity is added to the grid

The renewable energy is generated and fed into the electricity grid where it mixes with energy produced from non-renewable sources before being distributed to customers. As an example, our wind farm in Albany is an accredited energy supplier for the national GreenPower program.

How to choose NaturalPower for your business

Simply log in to My Account, choose NaturalPower and select how much you would like to offset each bill. You can also get in touch with your account manager to discuss your options.

Log in to My Account

Is Synergy an accredited GreenPower supplier?
Yes. Synergy's Albany Wind Farm, a Bright Energy Investments joint venture and part of the Albany Grasmere Wind Farm, is an accredited energy supplier for the GreenPower program and is cutting Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions by 65,000 tonnes per annum. That's equivalent to taking nearly 15,000 cars from our roads for one year.
How do I know my money has paid for renewable energy sources?
We will only use your contribution to purchase renewable energy certificates (RECs) from Australia's nationally-accredited  GreenPower sources. Renewable energy certificates (RECs) are either small-scale technology certificates (STCs) or large-scale generation certificates (LGCs). NaturalPower involves LGCs.
Can I change my NaturalPower contribution at any time?
Yes, it’s easy to change the amount you want to offset. Just log in to My Account to update your NaturalPower contribution or discuss your options with your account manager.
Will renewable energy be used to power my business?
While choosing NaturalPower doesn’t guarantee that the actual electricity running into your business is from renewable sources, it allows us to purchase more renewable energy overall. The power to your commercial operations will be from a mix of sources but your contribution supports Australia’s renewable energy industry and increases the amount of cleaner, greener electricity in the network.
What are LGCs?
  • Renewable energy certificates (RECs) are split into types: small-scale technology certificates (STCs) and large-scale generation certificates (LGCs).
  • Large-scale renewable energy projects, such as wind and solar farms create LGCs.
  • We purchase LGCs on behalf of our NaturalPower customers each year. The number of LGCs we purchase is calculated using the Renewable Power Percentage (RPP). This changes annually and is published by the Clean Energy Regulator.
  • We offer LGCs through our NaturalPower product and are independently audited every year to ensure we purchase the correct amount of LGCs from accredited renewable energy generators. This audit information is made public each year in our annual report.




Diagram illustrating how NaturalPower works in terms of being a green commercial energy option


Find out more about your NaturalPower options

For business energy product enquiries call 13 13 54

One of our friendly, team members will be happy to help you:

  • 8am - 5pm, Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays)
  • We may ask you a couple of questions about your business and energy usage - it helps to have a copy of your bill close by.
Please tell us about yourself

All fields required unless indicated as optional.